Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Lovers Arena : How to bring back the sparks to a boring relationship.

Relationship is meant to be enjoyed and cherished as the day goes bye, but at a certain point in a relationship, the whole thing becomes boring, and lifeless. That's when you discover you are no longer eager to see or talk to your partner, infact the whole relationship thing feels like a trap and you would want to break free. The question is where did things go wrong? And if you can't fathom it, the next thing that happens is break up.
But Have got good news for you today, your relationship is worth saving, because you once felt good about the relationship, he or she must have brought sunshine to your life. But now you feel like nothing is left of the relationship. Anyways you can re-ignite the sparks in your relationship and you can feel alive and whole again. It's just a five step procedure.
- Give your partner  space: Remember at this point, you are already feeling trapped,probably your partner too might also be feeling chocked up. It is normal, we all need our own personal time to blow off steam,probably from the stress of work and life itself. This is not the time to force yourself or pick quarrel with your partner, because both of you are already agitated and stressed out. So all you need do is give space to each other, reduce the time of calls per day, don't visit his or her house. Instead do other things that makes you happy. You could go surfing, swimming, movies or yoga, to clear your mind. Once your mind is clear, you will definitely remember why you love your partner and you'll miss him or her, likewise your partner will no longer feel chocked up and tension would reduce. And once tension and stress reduces, attraction sets back in.
- Set up a romantic date: Before taking this step, ensure both of you have blown off your steam,and you are ready to hook up again. Then you can set up a date in your favourite spot, this would bring back sweet memories of how much you loved each other. And don't forget to look as sexy as you can be for the date.
- Be Flirty: Remember your relationship was becoming boring, that's why you took a time off, now that you are back to work things out, you need to be flexible and not frigid, your body language, your conversation, all you do must be sensual, this would definitely make your partner, know  what he's been missing. Also this brings playfulness to your relationship, and in a blink of an eye, you can't get your hands off each other.
- Open Communication: A relationship with a restricted communication will never grow beyond the superficial level. If you really want to re-ignite the sparks, you must have no barrier, secret or things in your closet,that you can't tell your partner, making your partner know your weaknesses, strength, secrets and flaws, instill mutual trust. It simply means you are telling your partner "I trust you ". And trust would always be repaid with trust and affection. Your partner would know how much he or she means to you. In fact the bed rock of a solid relationship is "trust" which can only be instilled by open communication.
- Spend Holidays together : Remember nobody wants to be alone on Christmas, but not only Christmas, how about every holidays, you spend quality time together, this would help forge a stronger bond, and your partner would always look forward to holidays. When we spend holidays with our loved ones and not come up with excuses for being absent, it makes them feel special. And you bet it,everyone loves to be feel special and important.
To wrap it up, "Never take your partner for granted", because these five steps would definitely make you and your partner feel good about each other, but always reciprocate the affection and not take love for granted, if you want to sustain the sparks you've re-ignited.

Peter Deerock.
Popular culture blogger.

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